Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Great Falls Event a Great Success!

MAAS's Great Falls event at the Hilton Garden Inn on June 29, 2013 was a great success!  Keynote speaker Alex Schadenberg provided good humor and shared his wealth of knowledge of the international situation on assisted suicide.

Washington State Attorney, Margaret Dore, provided extensive course materials, which can be viewed by clicking here.  Attorneys were provided 1.0 CLE credit.

Feedback comments included: "I was very moved by the personal stories of the presenters" and "Carol Mungas, Carley Robertson, very powerful personal testimonies."  To view other comments, please click here.

To view the event flyer, click here.  To sponsor a similar event in your community, please click here.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Beware of Vultures: Senator Jennifer Fielder on Compassion & Choices

"[I]t seems odd that the top lobby spender in Montana this year was Compassion and Choices, a 'nonprofit' group that spent $160,356 advocating for legalization of assisted suicide."
By Senator Jennifer Fielder

As we wrangled through the budget this spring, the beautiful state capitol began to feel like a big, ripe carcass with a dark cloud of vultures circling about.  
Senator Jennifer Fielder

The magnitude of money in government attracts far more folks who want to be on the receiving end than it does those who just want fair and functional government. Until that ratio improves, it may be impossible to rein in unnecessary regulation and spending. 

Special interest groups spent over $6 million dollars on lobbyists to pressure Montana legislators during the 2013 session. Seems like a lot of money, until you compare it to the billions of taxpayer dollars at stake. Does the average taxpayer stand a chance against organized forces like that?